Llamado de la Madre / Mother's C@ll
Festival de la Tierra
Join for the Journey of a Lifetime...
Into the beautiful nature of Colombia
Living immersion into Visionary Art & Ancestral Wisdom
Dances of Universal Peace March 20 to 28
Meditative, multi-cultural circle dances that use sacred phrases in Ecovillage Atlantida, Cajibio, Cauca
Chants, Music and Movement of Prayer & Intention from across the globe.
Touch the spiritual essence within ourselves and recognize it in others.
Solar Retreat
March 29 to April 5
Healing through Sacred Medicine Ceremonies in Pasto, Narino.
Chants and traditional medicine plants practices
More information in unityischange@gmail.com
Lunar Retreat Madre Sierra
April 8 to 16
Gathering for the Femenine & Masculine Awakening in Ecovillage Goloka, Minca, Magdalena
Sacred Sexuality TalkingCircles, Natives CosmoVision, Yoga, Meditation, Music, Dance, Chants, Conscious Food & Nature Hikes
Spiritual Guides from La Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, NorthAmerica and SouthAmerica to Live &Connect with your Inner Wisdom.
Festival de la Tierra-Mah
April 22 to May 1
Participatory celebration that begins in the earth, beneath the sky & in the middle of nature!
This time invites us to share multi-colored tools to increase awareness.
We apply natural wisdom in our lives from the autenticity of our hearts.
Enjoy in the natural and spontenous dance of live, without limits!